My name is Ajani, and I am your photographer. Well, specifically, I'm a husband, father, lawyer, and former diplomat. Nonetheless, somewhere in between all of those titles, I take pictures. 

Before photography, I actually grew up loving to write. More than anything, I loved writing poetry. Looking back, I think it's because poetry offered such a succinct, perfect way to vividly share with others what you see, hear, smell, experience. 

Photography is my new poetry. I love the challenge of trying to capture the entirety of one's existence in a single photograph. 

I do my best to keep the website updated, but you can always find my full galleries on my Flickr account. Please take a look.

I am primarily based in the Washington, D.C. area, but I also love traveling to NYC for a photoshoot. Send me an email and let's figure out your next shoot.